My friend asked me if I could give her newly promoted technical manager one feedback, what it would be.
My answer was
Trust your team and learn to delegate
I learned this through a hard way when I was in that boat
I was totally burnt out. I attempted to juggle all the development work while also handling management responsibilities. It seemed like it would take longer to train the team to do the tasks that I could just do faster
My wise boss at the time, enlightened me when he told me,
“When you were new to the team, did you think I gave you tasks because I couldn’t do those faster than you? Your team will learn to handle things faster as they get more experiences.”
I learned to let go of my delusion that I have to do everything.
The team members’ morales improved with the trust, and learned from their tasks how to handle things faster
I was more productive as I was no longer burnt out
Most importantly, the efficiency as a team improved